
Pulse Linq tool

Motor Logs

Get raw data information between the Hub and the motor to assist and troubleshoot the installation of home system automation.


Pulse Linq tool

Compatible Platforms

Works with Windows and MAC Operations System

Pulse Linq tool

Auto Hub Scan

Find all the hubs connected on your network and test every motor easily.


Pulse Linq tool

Fast and Easy Configuration

Change your motor’s configuration and get them ready to connect to your Home Automation System

Pulse Linq tool


The help section features a troubleshooting guide along for specialized Automate Technical Support by phone or via email.

Getting Started with LinQ

The LinQ application is a powerful tool that was designed to allow you to send commands to motors and troubleshoot communication issues in an easy way. It is recommended to be used before connecting to your preferred Home Automation System. From the Home screen, you can select the Control Utility option from the side menu and press the Connect button to get started. The LinQ tool will automatically discover all the motors previously paired with your Hub’s through the Pulse 2 App. (hubs must be on the same IP subnet as the computer running the application)

Using the tool, you can also easily control and configure your shades, sending commands to any motor(s) desired. In addition, you can use the discrete commands for changing the motor configuration through the “Text Command” box and including save the logs for reporting and analysing each motor response.

Quickly Test for optimal shade response

By selecting System Test from the side menu, you can select and test each motor in your network. You can action the motor to move to your desired position to ensure everything is working and responding correctly. The check will either respond with a tick, which indicates motor is operating correctly or it will give a warning which will require further action and troubleshooting.

Once you have tested and verified all motors are working correctly, you can then go ahead and connect to your chosen Home Automation Platform.

Software Specification

Integration: Only with Pulse 2 Hub

Compatibility: Windows 10 and MAC Operating Systems

Connection W/ Hub: VIA 2.4Ghz or Ethernet Cable

Software version: 1.1.0

License: No license required  (free download tool)

Features: Single motor Control /Discrete commands & Motor Logs / Auto Motor Scan